
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday on the middle of the country

The drive from Davenport to O'Fallon was pretty awesome. As planned, we exited at five on Thursday morning and headed north and west. Atlanta was our big hurdle of the day but time of day was on our side and we blew through with not too much difficult.,So many lanes of traffic...eight going eachmway but no real problem.mWe could have made it to Nashville but by the time it was in our sights, it was four in the afetrnoon. Best choce was to pull off and settle in for the night. Nashville in our rear view mirrir and then on to the most memorable stop, Paducah.

For quilters, Hancocks of Paducah needs no explanation but for anyone else, the store is a warehouse sized building holdingnevery fabric imaginable. Really enormous. I did a bit of damage there and moved on. I did the navigating for this trip, throug states we had not visited before. I knewmO'Fallon was a burb of St Louis but I didn't take into account that East St Louis is in Illinois andmSt Louis is in Missouri. There is an O'Fallon as a burb with each ofmthe two cities. Go figure. We were headed to the wrong one, althoug we had to go throug it anyway. It was the surprise factor that I thougt we were almost  at our destination and then found we had 30 miles to go.mNot a prob, the GPS had us  on track and we arrived safely and in the right suburb.

Sorry about the appearance of m's which is just above the space bar and my correcting abilit is dreadful on my digital keyboard.

It's cooler her for sure but pretty well like spring in NS. Long pants and a sweater.

We will be here till Wednesday.

Chris is doing his famous pulled pork for tomorrow's dinner and everything else is up in the air.  Just enjoying the chance to spend time with family and that is priceless.

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