
Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting Ready to Go!

I don't know if it's really too early to start the preparations for the Florida trip but with two pets, one has to be aware that they cannot stay home alone and fend for themselves. The ideal situation would be them staying home alone. I could imagine they would get up early, listen to Information Morning and gaze out the window at the bird feeder and chortle away as the chickadees giggled at them through the patio door. Then a little nap because we all know birdwatching can take a lot out of one. An early lunch perhaps and then a video designed to entertain cats. There are plenty of them available, in case you didn't know. Afternoon exercise as Leo would chase The Jazz around the house several times, spitting out the fur he collected from biting her on the back would be next on the agenda. Another nap and a check of the birdfeeder and then dinner. Someone would be arriving to give clean water and sweep the litter and then... one day over. Not all that complicated. But not the case. This year The Jazz will be going to stay with Mary and Leo will travel to Halifax to stay with Lynn. Really it could work if both behave themselves. I will have my fingers crossed the whole time in the Sunshine State. Leo will be a year old in May and he has become one handsome dude of a cat. The alpha cat here at 124, much to the chagrin of The Jazz who has been here for nine years. She could tolerate him if he would only stop jumping all over her. He didn't get that memo, unfortunately. So, the cat situation is under control, or as much as it can be.

The list of "to-do's" is on the kitchen table and those details will be taken care of this coming week. I have a couple of quiting projects to finish before lift off. One in particular comes under the heading "what was I thinking??!!" Every year or two the Canadian Quilting Assn has a national quilt show and a part of that show is called the Trend Tex Challenge. Members of the CQA buy five fat quarters of fabric and are challenged to produce a project made from this fabric and to submit it for auction. There's a bit more, but that's enough info if you aren't a quilter. If you are a quilter, you already know about this anyway. Now I will tell you that if you show me how to do something, I will be able to do it. If you give me a pattern, I can follow it. If you give me five pieces of fabric and tell me to design an original piece with the theme "Sunshine and Vines" (???!!!) , that could be a bit of a problem. I won't tell  you how long I sat looking at that fabric and trying to "design" an ORIGINAL  piece to submit to this challenge.  Eventually I simply decided not to do it. That's called the bail out. I might have got away with that if Kate hadn't called me and said " how's that Trend Tex challenge piece coming along?" TRAPPED. You can run but you cannot hide. So back to the drawing board and the piece is coming along but now just needs to be finished and it has to be finished by the time I leave 124 as it has to be mailed in March and...........I am not home in March so mine has to be done in Frbruary. But it will be and I will post a photo when it's done. Soon.

I am moving through the things that absolutely have to be finished here and those that can travel, will travel. The short line is that I really waited a week too long to start getting ready but I will be set to go on the morning of the 25th....or 26th, depending on weather.

I changed the background of the blog so that you might think it's a brand new one but it's just a new look. Last year's "stuff" is still there and more than likely you read all that in 2012. I read it all again last week and I will say one thing.........I am not going to be on the hop every day in the SS this year. Nosiree!! A bit of vacation will be included.

So thanks for stopping by. I am off now to make a list or two and to work on a list or two... I'll be back!!

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