
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

One More Sleep

Well it doesn't take quite as long to pack up for the return trip as it does to get ready to come south. There is no deciding what to take and what to leave behind. You have to take everything. Well I guess that's an over simplification: you can leave food if you can't be bothered taking it. We brought any quantities of food to Chris and of course, left over booze. What on earth are we thinking when we get into that liquor store in NH?! It's like free candy. So a month later we are taking it to Chris to enjoy. NOt that we mind's just that we somehow think we will need all we buy. Note to selves: exercise some restraint next year!! And why did I bring so many clothes with me?! If the car was searched, I would have a hard time explaining that all of those well ironed and creased things were like that for the past month, in the drawers here at 304. No, I didn't not buy these new clothes in the US; I bought them in Canada to BRING with me. Another note to self: don't do that next year!! And then there's the new things that are coming back. Not so much clothes; I didn't buy much clothes (see above!) but I bought other things. Anyway the car is pretty well packed except for the small things that will go in when we are getting set to leave. Snacks, sandwiches, and such. Water. Drinking all the way to the border.

We went to dinner tonight at The Pub in Pointe Orlando, a restaurant we all like and for good reason. Great food, wonderful ambience, just a fun place to go. The Littles were especially good and Jocelyn is so entertaining. Just magical.

The people across the street were having a little party this afternoon and we stopped in for a quick hello on our way to Chris's. Like most of us, they have leftover booze and, well.... you just can't pour it down the sink. We had a small glass of wine and said so long; their house faces in the opposite direction to ours, has five bedrooms and a slightly larger footprint but a much smaller pool and patio area. You have to give up something to have five bedrooms in a house that's not much bigger than this one. The house itself is very nice though. They will be in it again next year, with their great exposure, and we will be here. If the month is hot, I would appreciate this shaded patio. We get sun on the outer part of the lanai for most of the afternoon and it's nice to have that shade in the full Florida sun. For my thinking, anyway.

My next post will be from the road, tomorrow night if possible. I have no idea how long we will drive tomorrow but we would certainly like to get to Richmond or beyond. Roger and Maureen do that the first day but it's a long drive. NO matter how you explain it away, it's a haul. Keep your fingers crossed for us that we have a safe journey home. I'll be back when I can. Is that snow melting in NS?

1 comment:

  1. How quickly it seems your trip has gone. I'm enjoying having my Dave and his family here right now. Nothing like the "littles".

    You are probably zooming up I95 as I write. Safe travels to you. Happy Easter in NS.
