This one looks great too...we went for a short walk this morning just to get the feel of the area. Only did a half hour and tomorrow I will shoot for longer. We are going to Epcot on Friday which will be a long day. Yesterday we picked Chris up at work and had supper at the Orlando Ale House in Hunters Creek with Laura and the little ones who were wonderful mealtime guests. You have your own entertainment when you eat with a four year old and an 18 month old. Bhreagh is quite a little character and the sign language is amazing to witness. Wish I had known about that thirty something years ago. I simplifies things when you realize that just because a child cannot talk they still have ideas they want to express and if you find the "language", it makes life a lot simpler for both of you.
Had a pedicure this morning which I promise myself each year when I get here. I have regular foot care at home but there is something special about a Florida pedicure! ... and by the way, in case you are looking for that KLP in Superstore, it's by Edwards, not the brand name I incorrectly used a few days ago. I saw them this morning and realized I had given the wrong name.
Brian and Leslie arrive early afternoon. Not sure what will be happening with them and how it involves us; will have to wait and see.
That's the morning at 304. Still pretty routine. Just like home but in a different location. With no bridge partners it sure has changed the evenings. And the time change this weekend...who knew that was coming up so quickly! I just adjusted to the hour difference from moving into the Eastern time zone and now it's switchback time. Hope all is well where you are. I'll be back...
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