There are always comments that don't fit in a proper title... odds and ends seems to fit.
Last night we had key lime pie for dessert. I bought this one at Publix and it's the pie of choice as far as I am concerned. I used to make a KLP when I was here. Key limes are tiny iddy biddy little things that require 16 of them, juiced, to produce a cup of juice. Whe you cut them in half and use one of those wooden reamers to get the job done, it's just like trying to juice a blueberry. My wrists simply won't allow that kind of activity do now, the pie of choice comes from Publix. You can buy one in NS in the freezer section of SuperStore and it's made by Richardsons (I believe). We can get that here too, and it's pretty good but the KLP from Publix is the greatest!
Cold weather in Florida is actually rather fine. It's just a short interruption in otherwise good weather and right now, according to Claire, this is as cold as it's been. Not really a problem but I keep looking out at the pool, which we decided not to have heated, and wondering if it will ever warm up. This morning there was steam coming off it. Un elievable. And the heat pumps in the houses aren't really terribly efficient. In this huge living room the temp has come up by two degrees since we got up and the heat has been turned on for almost three hours. I may just give up and put on sox and sneakers. But it will be hot again in a couple of days, so... not a real problem.
I should have gone out for a walk this morning. There is no ice on the road here to stop me and a couple of miles up to the CVS and back would have been a good idea. Maybe this evening or maybe tomorrow. Should Woulda Coulda strikes again.
I think today is the day to start a good book. I brought The Painted Girls with me and there are several on my tablet that are lined up in the queue so with Mike reading the new Ian Rankin I brought along, I may have to give in and just sit and read for awhile.
Breakfast is done and the laundry is in the machine. No housework to do so, since busy hands are happy hands, I ought to get busy. Michael's is close by and I am going to take a run over there today. Mike is going to wax the car so we need a couple of errands. Our car just can't drive by Publix. We noticed that last year, didn't we Norma and Terry?? and it's the same this year too. Funny about that!
so I will be back later. Hope your day is great!!
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