
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

One More Teabag

One more teabag and its time to go home. I brought  a  box of KingCole tea with me and since theres only one left, I had better get going. It's like spring here in O'Fallon so tinking abour an imminent return to winter is not that exciting but we wre ready to be home. Not ready to leave tis sweet family but they are busy and their routine is a bit disrupted by two more asults in the house. We are going out for supper and after that, I will put away my shorts and put out a pait of long pants to wear in the morning.

Monday morning we dtove north to Hannibal MO to visit a wonderful quilt shop. The Hickory Stick is in the historic section of Hannibal and is probably one of the two most beautiful shops I have visited. We were in a store called The Enchanted Garden in Glendive Montana and it was amazing and of course Rainbows End in Dunedin FL is not to be missed but the HS is really something. Occupying tree storefronts, its a series of rooms each filled with stunningly beautiful fabrics and samples and patterns and finished pieces to buy.  My purpose was to buy fabric in a kit or to complete a project I saw on display in tje fabric they used. Ended up with a pattern and fabric to make, of all things, an apron, and then two fabrics for my stash and another pattern for a purse.:I would have bought a quilt kit had there been one that I couldn't resist but there wasn't a sample that particularly appealed to me for our house. Lots of lovely items though.

Wednesday we started packing the house, or parts of the house that Chris and Laura can do without for six months. I did the china cabinet, then we did pictures and wall decor, continuing today with more kitchen shelves  and  items and bedroom things and Chris worked on his office. Moving is a huge job. The realtor wants the house depersonalized so all of those family items have to be packed away. Their new house won't be ready for almost six months but this house has to be ready for the market next week. Laura is 35 weeks into this pregnancy so her energy is finite and the tasks are gigantic. Timing is terrible on this one but it is what it is. Moving on.

So tomorrow we head out on Hwy 70 and will be on that straight line till Carlyle PA, close to Harrisberg for those of you who know the standard drive to Florida from NS. We should or could be home on Sunday. Easter. I don't know how far we will get tomorrow and will have to check my book for the exaxt location but knowing my driving buddy, it will be a long,day to start. We lose an hour the first day, moving from Central into Eastern and will be good for anoter day before losing another when we move into Atlantic. It's fun to GAIN that hour but not so great to lose it.

Time to make a few breakfast sandwiches for the road. I should be back tomorrow evening to locate us on the map. Have a lovely day or evening, till ten.

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