Did I tell you how MIke gets ready for this trip? Perhaps I did, way back in a year gone by. He gets up one morning and says...Oh is this the day we are leaving? I guess I better put a few things in my suitcase.... and that's how he does it. I spent the day sorting through my new and old clothes, deciding what I am leaving behind and what I will take. I am certain there are a few things that are still pressed the way I got them ready last year and didn't wear them THERE OR HERE. I am taking far less this time than last...famous last words. It's a given that I will buy shoes and tshirts, white ones. Tshirts, not shoes. White tshirts and navy shorts are my uniform. But I will buy new shorts and shirts, that's a given. And as I said, shoes. So I am pretty well sorted and folded, just have to get the car bag ready. That's the bag that comes into the hotel at night and really just contains yoga pants and comfy clothes. Pants that are in three lengths: the longest that start on day one in Stellarton and the shortest that I wear on the day we arrive. I love moving through the weather and watching the vegetation change. I remember the year we went to Charlotte and saw the most incredible pink flowers in bloom just everywhere.
Next is the food. Sandwiches, cheeses, fruit and water. That's Tuesday's job. Tomorrow is a massage and bridge in the evening. One or two more errands to get the Guild issues put in order. That will be a huge relief and I am almost there.
So now the test part. Will try to publish this and tomorrow will see if I can get someone signed in to comment. I am no techie and Mike can't help me with this. Here's hoping. Back later.
Just found this, Anne...will read on!